GOOD Awaits: The Regenerative Tourism New Zealand Podcast

Mou Waho Island

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Sharing conversations and stories of those who imagine a better way forward, the GOOD Awaits podcast will be a platform of collective discovery about regenerative tourism in NZ.

Co-hosts Debbie Clarke and Josie Major are setting out on a journey to discover what regenerative tourism looks like in Aotearoa New Zealand. 

Debbie and Josie in podcast studio

Tourism has suffered tremendously through the global pandemic, and the climate crisis means this uncertainty will be ongoing. We are now living in a VUCA world, one that is volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. A new way forward is required. The best hope we have is one that is regenerative, and this thinking must be applied to tourism.

What is Regenerative Tourism?

Regenerative tourism is a new paradigm, a new way of seeing the world. A regenerative approach to tourism is a complete mindset shift that sees all of us, individuals, businesses, communities, and the whole industry, as interconnected living systems. A regenerative tourism mindset challenges us to ask what do our communities need? And how can tourism serve those needs? How can we design tourism experiences, businesses, and networks that help our communities to thrive? While this thinking may be new to many of us, this is actually old wisdom found in many indigenous cultures around the globe. It’s time to listen to this wisdom, and to start applying it to our lives.

Shifts in Thinking about Tourism

Both Debbie and Josie have recently completed the online Regenerative Tourism course led by Anna Pollock and Michelle Holliday, international thought leaders on regenerative tourism. Seven Regional Tourism Organisations (RTOs) in New Zealand and around 100 people participated in the course, resulting in dramatic shifts in thinking around what tourism could look like. With time for discussion of new learnings, new language to have these conversations, opportunities to ask questions, and teachings on how to harvest these ideas for change, Debbie and Josie were inspired to bring these conversations to others in New Zealand and around the world.

Platform of Collective Discovery

The GOOD Awaits Podcast seeks to serve as a “platform of collective discovery”. Through conversations with Anna Pollock, Michelle Holliday, Trent Yeo (ZipTrek Eco Tours), Nadine ToeToe (Kohutapu Lodge and Tribal Tours), and other pioneers and practitioners of regenerative tourism in New Zealand, insights, experiences, and examples will be shared with listeners. 

A living network of regenerative tourism needs participation from everyone, across all sectors.  There is a momentum around this thinking in New Zealand now. Our hope is for a collaborative process, where listeners actively engage with us, and contribute their energy to this much needed journey to a better future for us all.

Podcast Launch Date

Tune in to the first episode of the GOOD Awaits Podcast, with Anna Pollock, available on 26th May 2021 on all major streaming platforms, and on We’d also love you to follow us on facebook and instagram at Good Awaits.